Friday, October 17, 2014

Intro to Conscious Kids Emotional Mastery Group


Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014 from 4–5:30 pm
at Co-op Connections Building, 1220 N. Forest St, Bellingham

Parents  and helping professionals are invited to a free informational session about the just-forming “Conscious Kids Emotional Mastery Group. This group, for ages 5-12, involves a  drum circle format, and breathing, relaxation and mindfulness exercises, with the  goal of  noticing and managing emotions. Attendees may see if this approach is suitable for their child.  While there will be an option at this time (or any time thereafter) to register for the group, regardless, there will be some nice take-away techniques offered to support emotional awareness and management. Heather Harmony has 20+ years experience as a counselor specializing with children and creative approaches, and is a Sound Practitioner.   Downtown Co-op • register at Co-op http://www.communityfoodcoop/  • free