Monday, May 11, 2015

Monthly Mindfulness Sound Circle

The monthly mindfulness sound circle continues, ongoing the third Tuesday of each month:

Current Dates June 16, July 21, and August 18.

Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

New Location: 851 Democrat Street, Bellingham, WA

Pre-requisite: We must have done the pre-group home visit in order for the child to attend. There is a one-time home visit assessment session fee on a sliding scale, to be negotiated upon referral.

Fee: The monthly group fee is $10 per child or $15 per family if more than one child is attending. Parents attend for free. While not required to stay for the group, we are finding that the materials learned in group translate to home and other environments most effectively if a parent "coach" attends the group.

If we have already done the home visit, please do RSVP via email at or phone 360-389-1050 to let me know if you and your child/children are coming to the group.

Bless you!

ps: here is our current sound circle space: